Integrate for Good empowers transition-age youth and adults with disabilities, the families and agencies that support them, school districts, nonprofit organizations and for-profit businesses to capitalize on the strengths and abilities of all people through social capital building, civic engagement and community connection. We do this through a variety of engaging and innovative services. We invite you to discover how we can work together to empower individuals of all abilities and strengthen local communities.
Our vision is to create a world where differences are celebrated and similarities are recognized first. We envision a future where individuals with disabilities are engaged based upon their talents, strengths, and abilities, not out of charity. We strive for a world where loneliness and social isolation are replaced with professional, educational and community connections


Sam, a young man living with autism, graduates from high school and gets a job working for a local biotech firm. He’s not hired in spite of having autism; he’s hired because of it. Through an inclusive volunteer experience in his community, he connected with an employee who recommended him after realizing how his extensive knowledge and passion would benefit the company.
Joey, a third grade student, comes home from the first day of school and instead of saying there is a boy in my class in a wheelchair, he says “I have a new friend who likes video games as much as I do!”
Carly and Rachel meet while volunteering at a local soup kitchen. Carly, a local college student, has plans to see the new movie coming out that weekend with a few friends. While Rachel loves attending her day program for people with disabilities, she is especially lonely in the evenings and on weekends. While chatting as they fill each plate, Carly and Rachel discover that they both love the same actor, Bradley Cooper. When Rachel’s mom comes back at the end of the volunteer shift, Carly asks if she can pick up Rachel on Saturday night, so she can join the group of friends for pizza and the movie. The next time the friends are making weekend plans, Carly’s friend reminds her, “Don’t forget to invite Rachel again!”
This is the world Integrate for Good imagines. This is our vision. Integrate for Good envisions a future where children observe similarities before they see differences. We work toward a future where people of all abilities are hired because of their talents, strengths and abilities, not out of charity. Our vision is one where loneliness and social isolation are replaced by friendship and community connection.

Our Strength Based Model

At Integrate for Good, our strength-based model focuses on empowerment, connection, and education to enhance the lives of individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. We expand opportunities for these individuals to share their talents and abilities, foster meaningful community connections, and promote lifelong learning and growth. Through innovative programs and services, we aim to build a more inclusive and supportive community where everyone’s contributions are valued and celebrated.


In the domain of empowerment, Integrate for Good expands opportunities for people with autism and other developmental disabilities to share their time and talent as providers of service to others. We offer individual and small group workshops and seminars designed and led by occupational therapists to build work-related skills and identify abilities, areas of passion and environmental work preferences (ex. quiet work area, working alone or with others). After learning about individual strengths and preferences, we help to match students and adults with volunteer opportunities where their abilities and contributions will be valued and celebrated.
Our innovative digital portfolios (on-line interactive resumes) include photography, videography and written content to highlight strengths, abilities and talents. More engaging than a traditional paper resume, our digital portfolios are incredibly powerful tools for self-advocacy. Portfolios are hosted on individual websites and customized business cards are provided for sharing with community members and potential employers.
Learn More About Empowerment Lab


In the area of connection, Integrate for Good strengthens local communities by capturing the untapped talent and leadership of students and adults with disabilities.
Integrate for Good sponsors weekly, community-based events where individuals with and without disabilities volunteer side-by-side on projects of shared interest, thereby reducing stigma, increasing community connection and expanding opportunities for social capital building. A full calendar of events is available on our website under “Events.”  We also offer training and support to other nonprofit organizations to help expand the diversity of their volunteer staff.
While Integrate for Good engages people in a variety of volunteer activities, all of our efforts share one common goal: to build social networking opportunities and meaningful community connection. Research has established loneliness and social isolation to be public health concerns. People with disabilities experience these significant risks to physical and mental health at a disproportionate rate. By bringing diverse people together to do good work, we can creatively address the social determinants of health through inclusive volunteerism.
Come to an Event


Integrate for Good is deeply committed to increasing continuing education opportunities for students and adults with autism and other developmental disabilities. We inform our practice with the latest research. Integrate for Good offers in-service presentations and staff training for agencies supporting people with disabilities. We present at a variety of conferences throughout the year, and offer college and university guest lectures. We also design engaging and customized corporate team building events to share about ability, diversity and inclusion. We are always eager to share resources, research and knowledge.
Learn More about Corporate Engagement

Our Logic Model