Each Empowerment Lab three-month series begins with a kick-off meeting for families. During the Exploration phase, students engage in 10 weekly Empowerment Lab sessions in a small group of six students within their high schools, or at our community-based learning sites. The curriculum is hands-on and technology-rich. Empowerment Lab is grounded in doctoral research conducted at Temple University.
Our interdisciplinary team learns about each student—their passions, talents, interests, preferred work environment, and strategies for success. This information is collected through a variety of different methods—question asking, hands-on volunteer and work activities, videos accompanied by group discussions, and games. We emphasize the importance of volunteerism as a way for students to explore their interests, engage with the surrounding community and secure valuable connections for paid employment.
Empowerment Lab engages students and their families. In addition to school staff, parents are a vital part of our team, providing incredibly valuable insight regarding strengths that might not shine in a classroom setting.