Monthly Recurring Gifts Make A Large Impact - for You and Others

Want to know a non-profit secret? 

Small monthly donations can have just as much impact as a large, one-time donation.

Sure, those big checks with commas are photographed and shared everywhere, but the truth is, monthly recurring donations are predictable income and so very important to the financial well-being of a charity.

Even just a few guaranteed dollars a month can help nonprofits budget and plan, making a world of difference for organizations that rely on the generosity of community members like you to bring their missions to life.

Understanding the non-profit funding cycle

It’s common for nonprofits to receive most of their income during a couple months throughout the year. Part of this is due to the seasonal nature of giving, and part of this is since fundraising tends to be cyclical.  For instance, with grant funding, there is a spring season and a fall season.

The cyclical nature brings challenges, especially to smaller, newer organizations like Integrate for Good. While our revenue may be confined to certain months throughout the year, our operating costs occur all year long thus resulting in inconsistent cash flow during those down cycle times.

This is where Recurring Monthly Gift programs fill those gaps. Recurring gifts, are monthly recurring donation which allows supporters like you to spread the financial impact of your giving across the entire year, lessening the acute financial effect. You may end up contributing more on an annual basis, but the distribution of payments across the year makes the commitment more manageable.

Monthly Recurring Gifts Benefit Donors and Organizations.  

There are several reasons monthly recurring gifts are a WIN-WIN for both you and Integrate for Good.

Monthly Recurring Gifts Benefits for Donors:

  • Make a Larger Impact: Spreading out your donation may even allow you to contribute more than you originally thought. For example, spending $500 all at once might be too much for the monthly budget to handle, but if donating $50 every month is doable, you’ll actually donate $600 by the end of the year!
  • It’s Easy: It’s so easy to pay with a credit card and have your donation come directly out of your account with your bills every month! If you’re the type of person who finds themselves wanting to donate but forgetting to revisit your favorite organizations semi-regularly, this is a great way to donate. It may also make you feel less pressured to give during the end of the year when many organizations are asking for donations.
  • Younger People Can Contribute: According to The Millennial Impact Report, 52% of Millennials are interested in monthly giving as a means to give back in a meaningful way.
  • You’re part of our team.  As a recurring donor, you’ll be part of the fabric of Integrate for Good, playing a direct role in reaching long-term goals and advancing our mission. You’re truly part of the team.

Monthly Gift Benefits for Integrate for Good

  • They’re Reliable. Recurring donations provide a predictable source of income we can count on to fund our grants program and our member services. They also help us increase our efficiency and reduce costs.
  • They’re available for emergencies. While your recurring gift directly supports the mission like a one-time donation would, it can also contribute to a rainy-day fund that keeps us running smoothly throughout the year.
  • They’re more effective. Monthly donors ultimately help nonprofits save time and money thus is a great way to maximize your impact on the people we serve.
  • They make us more efficient. Your guaranteed donation helps our leaders develop their budget, goals, and overall plan for the year. Monthly donations live under a planned rather than estimated income bucket, which means we can make budget and spending decisions with more confidence.
  • They help us think ahead.  At Integrate for Good, monthly donations give us the breathing room to think beyond the immediate support of our current programs and allows us to find new ways to embrace our mission, say yes to more, or expanding our staff.

Your Gift Makes Us More Impactful

The key to expanding the size and reach of any non-profit is a dedicated group of supporters. With a loyal and passionate community of recurring donors, we can focus our time and resources on outreach to new supporters, corporate partners, and thought partners in the disability space.

And more than providing monetary support for nonprofit growth, our monthly donors often inadvertently help our outreach efforts when they tell their own friends, families, and professional networks about the Integrate for Good mission!

If you’re in the market for a meaningful investment, a monthly, recurring donation could be just for you!

Join an exclusive community

Here at Integrate for Good, our monthly donors — better known as Founder’s Circle— are a dedicated community that’s a cherished extension of our family. For only $30 a month, Founder’s Circle members get exclusive perks, including:

  • Monthly updates on your impact through Founder’s Circle newsletters
  • Updates and personalized content from the families you’re supporting
  • Exclusive, invitations to meet the people you help, plus networking with other donors and our community partners.
  • Early access to event registrations and sponsorship opportunities
  • Special recognition at our annual Community Heroes Gala and other IFG events

More than the red-carpet treatment and perks of an exclusive community, being a monthly donor gets you closer to our mission and allows you to be a part of one of the most important communities in our organization.

You can provide lasting support and empowerment for people living with disabilities. Join our Founder’s Circle to set up your recurring donation today!