As many of you know, Integrate for Good is a lean operation! We cherish every dollar donated and work hard to have very minimal operational expenses. But…we outgrew our original location. My kitchen table just wasn’t big enough anymore, especially with the entire Weinberg family working and learning here at home!

So… we are excited to announce our new location! My bedroom corner! My family put together my old desk from my college days and here we are! No more family members photo bombing our virtual events and Zoom conferences! I can shut the door when Hazel barks at the Amazon delivery driver. I have a very pretty view of trees and birds which keeps me feeling hopeful and optimistic. It’s paradise, really!

We still have our two other locations: our post office box in Creamery and my old Acadia (which is happy to be enjoying a much-needed rest!). While I can’t invite you here to the headquarters, I can invite you to visit our post office box with your notes and messages! One of the highlights of my week is putting on my mask and heading over to check our mail. Most days, it’s empty, but once in a while someone takes the time to brighten my day! It really means so much! I drive home with a huge smile, felling like a won a prize!

We can’t have a ribbon cutting or open house for our new headquarters, but we invite you to join our virtual celebration on May 5th. We’ll have games, prizes, opportunities to network with a diverse crowd and a 50/50 raffle! You can sign up here:

Integrate for Good is so grateful to keep our mission going during this incredibly challenging time, all because of the generous support of our community. COVID Can’t Stop Good! When social distancing is no longer a thing, let’s make sure it’s no longer a thing for children and adults with disabilities too.

Thinking of all of you!

Bev Weinberg, Founder and Executive Director