What if “Back to School” time could be for anyone?

Do you know someone who went off to college last month? Maybe you went shopping for new notebooks and pens for yourself, or for your son or daughter. Did you see all of those fun Facebook posts with car trunks jammed with dorm room decorations?

Back to School time is full of excitement! But only for some of us. For people with more complex disabilities, they watch their brothers and sisters, neighbors and friends go off to college, but they are left behind.

Integrate for Good is changing that, and you can help! We are creating inclusive volunteer programs on college campuses where people of all abilities will gather together for engaging, weekly volunteer events. Your contribution will have a profound impact:

  • $50 pays for modified tools to allow someone who only has use of one arm to participate in making lunches for those living in poverty
  • $100 buys a reusable wooden loom to make dozens of sleeping mats for people experiencing homelessness in our community
  • $250 pays for activity costs for a weekly volunteer program on campus
  • $1,000 sponsors one teenager with autism to gain valuable experience as an Integrate for Good program leader

With your help, we can make sure college campuses are places where people of all abilities belong. Thank you for making a difference with us!
