As a social work student, one of the first things I learned was about the importance of ethics and values in practice. The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) proposes ethical principles that are meant to provide a foundation of ideals and reflect the six core values of social work: values of service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, the importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence. The more I learned about Integrate for Good, the more I was sure that their mission, goals, and values were aligned with that of social work. Particularly, Integrate for Good highlights the importance of human relationships in its mission, recognizing that all individuals deserve opportunities to connect with others and contribute their talent within their communities.

In this way, Integrate for Good similarly mimics a value shared by many social workers: all individuals have strengths, and acknowledging and examining these strengths allows for transformative, life-changing, and valuable work. When we move away from a deficit- or risk-focused perspective, we can see the ways in which individuals naturally overcome adversity, and the strengths that shine through help inform us on what works when we consider preventative or intervention efforts. In these values and attitudes, I see the clear connection between social work and Integrate for Good’s values and goals. This combined passion only fuels my excitement for the year to come!


Bernard, B. (2012). The foundations of the resiliency framework. Resiliency in Action.

National Association of Social Workers. (2021). Read the code of ethics. NASW. Retrieved September 6, 2022, from