Integrate for Good Goes National: Celebrating Inclusion and Leadership!

Just WOW!  Integrate for Good travels to Orlando! Congratulations to Cara and Heather for presenting their work with Integrate for Good on a National Stage in Orlando last week!  This is what empowerment is all about!  With the support of the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council and all of YOU, [...]

2025-02-26T12:36:18-05:00August 3, 2023|

Volunteer and Leadership Opportunities for Young Adults with Disabilities

Dr. Bev Weinberg, Founder and Executive Director of Integrate for Good, discusses how her organization works to create meaningful volunteer and leadership opportunities for transition age individuals with disabilities, and at the same time enrich local communities. Recorded October 18, 2022 Jill: Reimagining possibilities for those with disabilities. I'm Jill Horner, [...]

2025-02-26T16:19:14-05:00November 22, 2022|

The Power of Monthly Giving: How Recurring Donations Create Lasting Impact

Want to know a non-profit secret? Small monthly donations can have just as much impact as a large, one-time donation. Sure, those big checks with commas are photographed and shared everywhere, but the truth is, monthly recurring donations are predictable income and so very important to the financial well-being of [...]

2025-02-26T16:31:10-05:00July 21, 2022|

Barriers to Employment for People with Disabilities

One way that Integrate for Good works with the communities we serve is through our Empowerment Lab program. Empowerment Lab is designed based on the doctoral research of IFG’s founder and executive director, which demonstrated that individuals who are connected to their communities are more likely to be employed, more [...]

2025-02-26T16:46:13-05:00July 26, 2021|

Social Role Valorization

Social Role Valorization: A Basic Overview & Defining Important Terms Have you ever noticed that people who are more valued by society or who hold roles that society values get to experience more of the “good things” in life? This phenomenon is explained by the Social Role Valorization (SRV) theory. [...]

2025-02-26T16:44:27-05:00July 26, 2021|

What is Ambiguous Loss?

When a person lives with a life-altering disability, their families may feel a sense of loss. Feelings that may be associated with this are different than those that are associated with a death-related loss. Many families and caregivers of a family member who lives with a disability may experience ambiguous [...]

2025-02-26T16:43:15-05:00July 26, 2021|
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