Congratulations to Rob Reid and Access Services!

The inspiration for Integrate for Good emerged from Bev’s work as an Occupational Therapist in local school districts within Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Before Integrate for Good even had a name, Bev knew that she wanted to create a way to expand opportunities for individuals with disabilities to be seen and celebrated as providers of service in our county, not just as recipients of service. She designed Integrate for Good based on her doctoral research at Temple University and approached Rob Reid, the CEO of Access Services with the idea. The idea had no track record and the chances of securing a federal grant were nearly impossible. Rob Reid is a visionary leader who embraces and values innovation. He believed in the idea and stood behind the Integrate for Good pilot proposal. The grant was awarded, and in July of 2017, we were able to launch the Integrate for Good pilot project with the help of a federal grant through the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council and generous support from Access Services. Without the support of Rob and Access Services, this idea would never have come alive. Integrate for Good is incredibly grateful and honored to present a 2019 Community Hero Award to Rob Reid and Access Services.